"Indices of change in ecosystem function at the national scale
using AVHRR NDVI data" report (by S.Cridland, 2000) [PDF
- 380KB] and Summary
"Indices of change in ecosystem function (cover) for northern South
Australia using Landsat TM data" report (by A.Brook, R.Tynan &
M.Flemming, 2001) [PDF
- 1.7MB] and Summary
"Regional land condition and trend assessment in Tropical Savannas"
report (by R. Karfs, R. Applegate, R. Fisher, D. Lynch, D. Mullin,
P. Novelly, L. Peel, K. Richardson, P. Thomas & J. Wallace, 2000):
"Incidences of extreme climatic events" report (by S.Cridland,
2000) [PDF
- 264KB] and Summary
"Change in land tenure/land use" report (by M. Gutteridge, W. Hall
& A. Hanna, 2000) [PDF
- 844KB] and Summary
"Intensity of land use" report (by M. Gutteridge, G. Stone, A.
Hanna, J. Kingston & W. Hall, 2001) [PDF
- 7.48MB]